How to popup definitions whenever you select words
I made a simple browser extension that displays a popup when you double click
It is called All you can EAT AI
+ Uses the freshest AIs for unfamilar terms
+ Completely free
+ No login required
Works with English idioms
Not a normal dictionary, can understand obscure phrases. On the right was from my personal usage, have you
ever heard of the phrase "it was not a windmill I could affort to
tilt at?"
Now with a tasteful selection of followup suggestions
No need to open a new tab with ChatGPT, just click on the suggestion to search for further results without
I know AI is currently in a bubble right now
But this is actually useful.
* Dictionaries can't handle phrases
* Wikipedia takes too long to read
* AI buddy extensions want you to actually type questions
I'm not trying to revolutionalize the world here, just popups with explanations when you select words as
you jump around the internet from topic to topic. So many new terms now.
And that was my pitch
Hey are you still reading? Just download it already.
Try it now, for daily bites of understanding
No plans. No upsell. 100% free. No logins. We don't track you.